-----The Brief------

To conceptualise and activate a body intervention that will remove you completely from your comfort zone. the intervention must be radical, very visible and must be maintained both publicly and privately for a period of 10 days. Challenge yourself, social norms and what we understand society to be today.

Inside Out: A body intervention 
Concept: In society we are constricted by who we should be, what we should be and how we should act. This is influenced by our position in society, what we learn from our parents and how we understand ourselves. Who am I?  Is a common question amongst our generation, we are searching for what makes us who we are and what defines as socially and personally. 

There is a stigma attached to emotions; we all hope to emotionally well, but we don't seem to understand that this wellbeing is acceptance of a large span of emotions. "Only happy girls"- I was repeatedly told this as a child, if I acted as though I was happy (even when i wasn't) I would be "rewarded" in some way, where it was being allowed to come out for dinner, or get attention.  People don't like sad girls, I was told, and therefore I grew to care what people thought of me.

This body intervention works on a person as well as social level:

Personally, I have never been able to accept my emotions for what they are in the moment, also being someone who lives with anxiety, I am always either planning for the future or contemplating the past, but never able to live in the now. I used to live in a pretend world where I would lie to myself and others about how I was really feeling. This is something that majority of people do, because society tells us we have to show a the world we are always "Fine". 

Socially, we have been taught to surround ourselves with people who make us happy and discard the ones that don't. I think this is very unfair, people should be taught that we all live with our own demons and angels that we should accept that in ourselves and each other. I don't believe depression or self harm should romanticised (as it often is on tumblr) and happiness should not be seen as the ultimate way to success  We are humans that operate on a spectrum of emotions, happiness and sadness should not define who we are and emotions on the spectrum should not be shamed.

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