Friday 15 May 2015

Day 5: The Enthusiasm

Chairdrobe. v. The art of piling clothes on a chair to be used in place of a closet or dresser. This is a literal and figurative definition of my life at the moment. Firstly, I am wearing black for the 10 days of my intervention, in order to draw more attention to the words written on my skin, and secondly because nothing is in the right place, everything seems to be happening out of order. Often I wear black so I can say to myself “Damn, I look sassy today.” But when you have worn all black for 5 days, it gets pretty damn boring! And the dull weather hasn’t been helping my mood.

Today we filmed out television commercial in the company gardens, having rested properly, although I could have done with another 5 hours, we began to attempt to plan out the filming process. I enjoyed getting out into nature; I grew up living in a very natural environment where I never wore any shoes. So getting out into nature is like a natural anti-depressant for me.

After filming, I was pretty content with life, something we could check off the list. I took of the rest of the day, I needed some time out. It has been a long week.

Later I went out for drinks with friends, and it was interesting to chat to a friend about this brief. We where talking about how we are both compulsive liars. She mostly lying to her family about what she is really doing, and it has transcend into her emotions; lying to herself about how she is really feeling and putting a face on for the world to see and for her to hide behind.
Through this brief more people have been able to open up to be about their truths since I have opened up to them about mine. Something I hope this intervention achieves is making others feel more comfortable around me because my emotions have been stripped back, even if I am putting myself in an uncomfortable position. 

Julian Landini deals with feminist art, the way in which women are depicted in society, as these overly sexualised beings, and the truthful depiction of women, her illustrations are also beautiful. 

Today was a great day!
Song of the day is Can't Pin Me Down by Marina and the Diamonds, because today has been a great day, and I am like a sassy feminist:

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