Monday 18 May 2015

Day 8: The Fatigue

I can't express the relief in knowing this intervention is almost over.  It has exhausted me, it has destroyed me, it has taken everything out of me and it has taught me that dealing with the passed and emotions may ultimately be rewarding, but the process has chopped me up into little pieces of cheese. Yum, but not really. 
I have been shoved, I have been pushed and I have been squished trying to make myself feel as insignificant as possible to avoid attention. 

Pain, Sad, lonely

Today was not a good one, I was very anxious this morning, which didn’t help due to the fact that I was up late last night. I have recognized that lack of sleep firstly, naturally, makes me exhausted and grumpy, but secondly increases my anxiety levels. I had to remind myself to breathe this morning, I was shaking while scribbling the words stress, worry and anxious.

I feel very overwhelmed with the week coming up, we have two briefs due this week, a test and trying to finish our body interventions and all I can think about is how much I want to sleep.

The day progressed, and I got less focused and more tired. My eyelids feel like someone has filled them with gravel, and every blink was like I was sanding down my eyeballs.  I had encephalitis a few weeks ago, so I've been having  headaches, feels similar to someone playing drums while you are hungover. 

Loved, subdued, anxious, nervous, frightened, frustrated, happy, tired, confused

This afternoon, I was so happy and relieve to know I didn’t have to go grocery shopping. Anyone who knows me, knows that if I didn’t have to drive I wouldn’t because driving entails me spending 20 minutes worrying about driving before I’ve even stepped into the car.

My sister and I fight every day about washing the dishes, its just a sibling thing, every set of siblings needs to have something they fight about and ours is about who is going to wash the dishes. This time the fight was physical, as in lots of soapy water, shouting and amusement, like two girls washing a car wearing only bikinis and listening to misogynist rap, men don't get excited, thats not what really happened. Plus, it was probably M.I.A playing in the background. 

Sleepy, embarrassed, insignificant 
"Do you write all over your body, or just on the visible parts?" I was asked today. The answer is only the visible parts. The song of the day: 

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