--About Me --

Hey 'all
Ok, I don't speak like that, but to all the wonderful human beings out their, my name is Olivia Hodge, but most people call me Olive. There is always that awkward moment when I meet people and I’m like “Hi, I’m Olive. I mean Olivia, but call me Olive”.

I live in Cape Town, South Africa- yes Africa, but the small part right at the bottom; I ride my giraffe to school, and in my free time spend time in the tropical forest in my back garden with my pet leopard- I’M KIDDING. Here’s a little story about Olive:
I have been on this planet for 20 years; in my passed life I think I was a aquatic animal, because water is my happy place. If I had all the time in the world, I would stare at the clouds all day and the stars all night.
I have always been inspired by the power of the Internet, I remember when I was young and first got my hands on a device with Internet; I starred at Google for a few minutes, with no idea what to put into that little box.
I am a creative; that doesn’t mean that I am necessarily good at everything involving creativity, but I do have a passion for it. This blog is part of a creative project for university. If you want to know more click on the little tab called "The Brief" and "Intervention" to check out more about this blog.

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