Sunday 17 May 2015

Day 7: The Worry

CABIN FEVER as hit me like a brick wall in the face, I spent the whole day in my flat studying for my up coming Brand Strategy test, which meant the emotions I wrote on my skin, were not influenced as much by people around me, because I was mostly just getting tired, bored and worried about how much I needed to learn for this test. I must say I have enjoyed people watching the strangers walking on the street below me- some people wear the weirdest things. I mean I'm all for thrift shopping, but I don't think neon should ever be a fashion trend. 
Also I think I'm starting my own racial group; I'm starting to turn a grey colour, thanks to the faded ink marker on my skin.


Weather has a big influence on my emotions, I am not a winter person, my whole life I've been annoyed that my birthday is in mid winter. It was a beautiful day today, all I wanted to do was go to the beach, or have a picnic like a typical Capetonian. Instead I indulged in marketing words with my date for the day; a 600 page textbook on branding. Lets just say its a hate-hate relationship.

Bored, stressed, tired, frustrated

Some people like the smell after it has raining, or fresh cut grass, or being able to lie in bed all day. I love car trips, as long as someone else is driving. The reason: when I am in a car I feel completely relaxed, I can't influence how fast we are going, when we will get to the next destination or much else around me. I feel like I'm part of an arty movie where you just watch the landscape reflecting over a characters face while a hip band plays a melancholy song in the background, I feel at ease.

I went on a drive this afternoon with my dad, I was more than happy to get out of the house for a while. It was too cold for me to only have a short sleeved t-shirt on so I had to put a jumper on, this co-incediently meant that he also could't see I had written all over my arms- I haven't been able to tell my dad about this project at all, I think its a physiological thing, because my dad would probably find it quite interesting.

I was embarrassed that I could not show it to him, or talk to him about it and at the same time I felt so guilty because I felt like I was cheating my body uncomfortable project.

Ashamed, annoyed, tired, worried

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